VIDEO | “Lil Heathen” Out To Prove His Innocence, Ready To Fight Anytime | UFC NEWS
Jeremy Stephens is in a new kind of fight, one that’s taking place in the court room instead of a cage.

Out to prove his innocence Stephens recently released the following interview to discuss what he is going through:
“It was an up and down roller coaster for me. I have to support my family and I’m very happy to do so. You go from being in the best shape of your life, mentally focused and more prepared than I ever have been, I put in a lot of work, a lot of extra work, I didn’t miss a single day of practice. My coaches were very happy with my performance. Injury free and just prepared. My whole family was coming up to Minnesota and I was just really excited to put on a great fight. I owe the fans. They support me, they help pay my bills and finding yourself in jail on your fight day is not exactly the outcome you’re looking for when you go to put in that work. Yeah, it was just an up and down rollercoaster. I took it as a positive outlook in the end and the only thing to do now is just move forward.
“I can’t really get into detail. If anybody wants to go any further, you can check out Lil Heathen MMA. It will all play out. The biggest thing was just getting out of jail. There was a big bond on there as people would know and were aware of and the news and the media, whether it was hype or hate or any type of stuff like that, that’s nothing I can control. The only thing I can control is the situation with me getting a lawyer and getting this matter taken care of. In the end, I’ll be able to prove my innocence.
“I can fight at any time. As soon as they line me up a fight, I’m able to take it. Whenever, you know. Dana White supports me very much. I’m very happy and I feel very blessed of a guy like that and his character to stand behind me and support me through such a hard time. I’m very glad he understands me and where I come from. It’s good to have that support. I’m ready to fight. I’m ready to get back in there and move forward. I can’t dwell on this too much. I can only control certain things and things I can’t control, I’m not going to worry about it. I can focus my time now in the gym.”