VIDEO | Rampage Jackson Says The Only Thing To Make Him Happy Will Be Leaving The UFC | UFC NEWS

I feel like everything happens for a reason. Yes, I’m not happy with the UFC…and a LOT of fighters aren’t happy with the UFC. I’m just the one that keeps it real and talks about it.
Leaving the UFC would make me happy. I don’t think there’s anything they can do to fix it. I don’t think they’re even willing to fix it. I’m not upset with them. The UFC is a great organization, they’ve done a lot of great, positive things for the sport. It’s mainstream now. I can’t walk anywhere without people wanting a picture or attention or talking or anything. That’s good, that’s what people like. I just feel like…honestly, I just wish I could be compensated a little bit more for the privacy that I gave up. People don’t understand that. I traded my privacy and my kids’ privacy for…the living that I’m making now which is…Football players and basketball players these days, they’re making MILLIONS!
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