Mark Hunt continues verbal onslaught of Brock Lesnar

By bjpenndotcom - March 3, 2017

It has now been nearly eight months since former UFC heavyweight champion Brock Lesnar and heavyweight veteran Mark Hunt stepped into the Octagon together at UFC 200. In that fight, Lesnar was awarded a unanimous decision win after using his wrestling to take Hunt down repeatedly throughout the course of the three round scrap. Ultimately however, the fight was overturned to a no contest after it was revealed that Lesnar failed both a pre-fight drug test, as well as a fight night drug test.

Mark Hunt

Brock Lesnar weigh-ins

That didn’t sit too well with Hunt of course, who went on to have a very public dispute with the UFC, complete with a lawsuit. While Hunt has maintained that the only reason he is fighting Alistair Overeem at UFC 209 this weekend is because the promotion is forcing him to, Hunt took the opportunity to fire some shots at Brock Lesnar.

In addition, Hunt once again took a very harsh stance on PEDs, reiterating that someone could very well die as a result of fighting someone who is using PEDs.

Fox Sports has the quotes:

Mark Hunt

“Someone could die,” Hunt said. “If someone dies, that guy who’s using steroids should be held liable for premeditated murder, I feel. I didn’t sign a contract to fight no juiced-up [expletive]. I think there should be a criminal proceeding if the guy’s caught doping and he really hurts the person. If he kills someone and the guy’s caught doping, how would you feel? What would you think about that? He should go to jail.”

“To be honest, I think he’s a coward and he’s a cheat. That’s all he is,” Hunt said about Lesnar. “Cowards that enhance themselves to hurt someone else, they shouldn’t be at the top anyway. If that’s the case, let it be black and white, tell everyone it’s OK to cheat. Let’s see some crazy [expletive] and let’s see someone die. Let’s do it that way. I feel the same for him, I’ve lost respect for fighters that cheat.

“I don’t want to be coming to work and losing, and that’s a high chance of doing, or losing my life because some guy months and months ago was preparing to kill me. Premeditated murder man, it’s no joke.”

on 3/3/2017.


Brock Lesnar Mark Hunt