Mike Perry shares crazy story about accidentally swallowing a piece of metal, “cutting his insides up”

By Tom Taylor - August 3, 2017

On September 16, all-action welterweight “Platinum” Mike Perry will step into the Octagon with former title challenger Thiago Alves. While Perry has endured pretty difficult weight cuts in the past, he expects his cut for this battle with Alves to be quite easy. This is in part due to intense training and clean eating, but also due to a wild accident wherein Perry swallowed a piece of metal and got violently ill.

Mike Perry

The fan favorite welterweight shared this story on the latest episode of BJ Penn Radio:

“Sometimes I weigh 206, sometimes I weigh 196, right now I’m sitting at about 186, cause I’ve been training so much, eating clean,” he began. “Some things have happened in the past months. After [my win over] Ellenberger, I got really ill, I got really sick, cause I ingested a piece of metal. The doctors couldn’t really tell me much about it. It cut my insides up, my intestines and stuff. I was vomiting blood, and I was sick for days, man. It ruined my appetite. Now I have to be really hungry, and I’m picky about what I eat. I’m not the same as I was. I was like a kid, I was young. If I was hungry, I would just stuff myself, whatever, but now man, I just watch what I eat so much.” 

When asked for clarification on how he swallowed a piece of metal, Perry explained that it occurred during a car crash.

“I was in a car accident,” he said. “So I went to the doctor’s to get a checkup after the accident to make sure everything was ok, cause you never know. Then a couple days later, I was like dying, so we went back. So they did CT scans, and they were like, ‘did you swallow a coin or something like that?’ They’re like ‘kids swallow coins and they pass them and they don’t go through this violent sickness you’re going through.’ We don’t know what it was, what kind of metal it was inside of me, if I was having an allergic reaction to it being inside of me or anything like that.”

Needless to say, we’re very glad to hear Mike Perry survived this rather frightening ordeal.

How do you think Mike Perry will do against Thiago Alves this September 16?

This article first appeared on BJPenn.com on 8/3/2017.


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