UFC 226 Results: Drakkar Klose defeats Lando Vannata (Highlights)
A lightweight fight between Drakkar Klose and Lando Vannata took place during tonight’s UFC 226 prelims on FS1.

Round one begins and Klose immediately comes forward with pressure. The fighters clinch against the fence and after a missed spinning elbow, Lando breaks free. Klose immediately rushes in again and presses Lando back against the fence. He is working hard for a double leg takedown but Vannata is doing a good job of defending. Lando breaks free but Klose continues to stay on him with pressure. The fighters clinch and Klose lands a pair of knees. Lando breaks free and lands a low kick. Drakkar with a nice kick to the body followed by a heavy low kick. He chases after Lando and lands a right hand. Klose pushes Lando back against the cage. He lands a knee and then Lando breaks free. Klose steps into the pocket and lands a low kick. Both men with a low kicks now. Drakkar lands a big right hand. Lando smiles but that one hurt him. Drakkar with another hard low kick. Just over one minute remains in the opening round. Lando goes high with a kick but Klose ducks under and then presses Lando against the cage. The fighters clinch and Klose lands some knees. Lando shares some knees of his own and now Klose is looking for a takedown. Lando won’t let him get it but eats a knee for his efforts. Klose with a left hand as they break. Round one comes to an end.
Round two begins and Lando comes forward with a high kick. Drakkar smiles and throws a spinning back kick. Both men paw with their jabs now. Drakkar with a jab and then a low kick. Lando catches him with a right hand. Drakkar unloads one of his own. Another right from Vannata. He side steps but Drakkar catches him with an elbow. Lando is cut. Drakkar moves forward. He catches Lando with a right hand. Both men are swinging punches now. Klose with a low kick. Lando circles out of the pocket. Drakkar chases after him. Lando is holding his hands at his hips now. He fires off a right hand that lands. Drakkar swings and misses with a hook. Lando leaps in with a right hand that misses. Klose catches him with a hard low kick. Drakkar with a right hand before the horn sounds to end round two.
Ninjas. #UFC226 pic.twitter.com/oyukN4vBoC
— UFC (@ufc) July 8, 2018
Round three begins and Vannata lands a leg kick to start. Klose returns fire with one of his own. Lando with a right hand now. He moves forward and lands a low kick. Drakkar circles and then lands a low kick of his own. Lando fires off a kick to the body now. He misses with a spinning back fist attempt. He’s attempted that a couple of times now with no luck. Drakkar with a hard low kick. Vannata with a side kick to the body. Klose shoots in and presses Lando against the cage. Klose with some knees from the position. Vannata cannot seem to get off the fence. The referee is calling for action. Klose with a knee. Now Vannata fires off four knees in a row. The referee steps in and breaks them up. Less than ninety seconds to go now. Vannata misses with a spinning high kick. Lando shoots in and scores a takedown. He immediately takes Drakkar’s backl and begins working for a rear-naked choke. Klose attempts to scramble and now Lando is high. He opts to get off of Drakkar’s back and we are now on the feet. Klose shoots in and scores a takedown. The horn sounds to end round three.
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Drakkar Klose Lando Vannata UFC 226