UFC 196 Results: Corey Anderson defeats Tom Lawlor via decision
A light heavyweight bout between Corey Anderson (8-1 MMA) and Tom Lawlor (10-6 MMA) took place on tonight’s UFC 196 main card in Las Vegas.

Round one begins and Anderson opens up with leg kick. Big shots land for Lawlor. He lands an uppercut and Cory is hurt. Anderson is on wobbly legs but lands a leg kick. Cory seems to have recovered and lands another good leg kick. Lawlor is pressing forward but is missing with his shots. Good jabs score for Anderson and then a right hand. Lawlor lands a good right hand and then a right hook. Big left hand finds a home for Anderson. Cory scores with another good leg kick. Tom responds with a right hook. Nice counter left scores for Anderson. The fighters exchange shots to close out round one.
Round two begins and Cory throws a leg kick but Tom catches it and briefly takes him down. Anderson pops back up. Excellent straight left scores for Lawlor. Solid leg kick scores for Anderson. Good shots land for both fighters. Anderson with a leg kick and Lawlor responds with a left hand. Tom is pressing forward. Cory with a leg kick and then a jab. Solid left lands for Lawlor. The fighters exchange combos. Anderson clips Lawlor with a short right. Round two comes to an end.
Round three begins Cory lands a good inside leg kick. Lawlor is pressing the action and lands a jab. Anderson shoots in and lands a takedown. Cory winds up in side control and begins working a left hand from the top. Lawlor is able to move back to half guard. Anderson is smothering Lawlor but not landing many strikes. The referee steps in and stands them up. Nice leg kick scores for Anderson. Thirty seconds remain. Another leg kick from Cory. He steps forward and lands a good jab. Nice right hand from Anderson before the horn sounds to stop the action.
Corey Anderson defeats Tom Lawlor via decision (30-27, 30-27, 29-28)
UFC 196 results