UFC 196 Results: Ilir Latifi defeats Gian Villante via decision
A light heavyweight bout between Gian Villante (14-7 MMA) and Ilir Latifi (12-4 MMA) took place on tonight’s UFC 196 main card in Las Vegas.

Round one begins and Vallante lands a leg kick to start. He follows that with a kick to the body. Latifi shoots in for a takedown but Gian stuffs it. The fighters battle against the fence. They break and Villante lands another good kick. More kicks from Gian. Big left hand scores for Latifi. He gets inside on Gian and lands a good combo. Ilir presses Villante against the fence. He lands a good shot and they break. Gian throws a good kick to end round one.
Round two begins and Gian throws a front kick and then a high kick. Latifi presses forward but is unable to connect. He shoots in for a takedown and gets it. He is looking to take the back of Villante. Gian scrambles and gets back to his feet. Good body shot and left hand score for Latifi. Gian with a good kick to the body. Ilir shoots in for a takedown but is stuffed. Gian lands a good right hand over the top. Another nice leg kick from Villante. Spinning back kick partially lands for Latifi, and another. Ilir shoots in for a takedown but Gian is able to fend it off. Latifi keeps working and ends up picking up Gian and slamming him down. Villante gets back to his feet and round two comes to an end.
Round three begins and Gian presses forward with a front kick that misses. Latifi lands a body shot and shoots in for a takedown. He tosses Gian down but Villante shoots right back to his feet. Good left hand partially lands for Latifi. Ilir throws a spinning back kick that just misses. Big right hand scores for Ilir. Gian responds with a jab. Latifi shoots for a takedown but it is not there. Another good shots lands for Ilir. Gian looks to be hurt but keeps pressing forward. Good shots from both men. Nice left hand from Latifi and then he just misses with an uppercut. Latifi shoots in and lands a big takedown. He grabs a hold of Gian’s neck. Villante gets back up and lands a shot before the horn sounds to end the fight.
Ilir Latifi defeats Gian Villante via decision (30-27, 30-27, 30-27)
UFC 196 results