Paul Felder issues classic response to fan suggesting he’s a better commentator than a fighter

By Harry Kettle - July 6, 2020

UFC commentator and former fighter Paul Felder was involved in an entertaining exchange with a fan on social media who suggested he’s better off retired.

Paul Felder, Fight Island

Felder, 35, went to war with Dan Hooker back in late February over in Auckland, New Zealand. “The Irish Dragon” came up short in a unanimous decision defeat to the Kiwi, and in the immediate aftermath of the loss, he seemed to indicate that he would be retiring from mixed martial arts.

While he has since suggested that he would come out of retirement several times, that hasn’t stopped ‘fans’ from trolling him on social media.

This time, though, the interaction he had was pretty amusing.

Felder is one of the most laid back guys you could ever hope to meet from the Ultimate Fighting Championship, and he’s blessed to be able to commentate at such a high level in addition to being such a talented fighter.

Nobody really knows one way or the other whether or not he’s going to step back into the Octagon and compete again, but even if he doesn’t, he’s had one hell of a career both in and outside of the UFC.

Back in April, in the weeks following the defeat when the Coronavirus pandemic was really starting to pick up steam, Felder let Jon Anik know that he was certainly open to the idea of getting another fight under his belt.

“I can tell you that after all this, with what we’re going through, I can not wait to fight again,” Felder said. “Dude, I’m on this bike, I had my manager Brian Butler send me all these photos from Auckland. I texted him last night I said ‘Man I’m feeling a little depressed, I’m missing my job, I’m missing commentary.’ I just miss that fire. You don’t realize how important that is in your life… especially somebody like myself, and anybody like myself who’s an athlete and been doing this for so long. Or somebody like you who’s been working, making this company become what it is, to just have that stripped away from this it’s like, f**k man.”

Now that Paul Felder is back working on commentary at Fight Island, you have to wonder whether or not he’s going to get that itch.


Paul Felder UFC